11:00 AM11:00

Fish Fry Fry-Days

Come to the Scottish Rite for one of the best fish fries in Omaha! The Culinary Masters are serving freshly-prepared fish, cole slaw, fries, and drink. Carry out plates available.

Price is TBD

We will be serving on Friday, March 28th, April 4th, April 11th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Parking is available in the Scottish Rite garage, accessible from the South 20th Street alley just south of our building. Open to members, guests, and the public.

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5:30 PM17:30

George W. Lininger Lodge #268

All Masons are invited to George W. Lininger Lodge #268, meeting the first Tuesday of each month at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center. The business meeting begins at 5:30 p.m.

George W. Lininger was born on December 14, 1834. He served as Grand Master of Masons in Nebraska 1877. Learn more about one of Nebraska’s most prominent Masons and earliest millionaires here.

View Event →
11:00 AM11:00

Fish Fry Fry-Days

Come to the Scottish Rite for one of the best fish fries in Omaha! The Culinary Masters are serving freshly-prepared fish, cole slaw, fries, and drink. Carry out plates available.

Price is TBD

We will be serving on Friday, March 28th, April 4th, April 11th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Parking is available in the Scottish Rite garage, accessible from the South 20th Street alley just south of our building. Open to members, guests, and the public.

View Event →
11:00 AM11:00

Fish Fry Fry-Days

Come to the Scottish Rite for one of the best fish fries in Omaha! The Culinary Masters are serving freshly-prepared fish, cole slaw, fries, and drink. Carry out plates available.

Price is TBD

We will be serving on Friday, March 28th, April 4th, April 11th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Parking is available in the Scottish Rite garage, accessible from the South 20th Street alley just south of our building. Open to members, guests, and the public.

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9:00 AM09:00

Knights of St. Andrew

The Omaha Valley Knights of St. Andrew meet on the Second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the Scottish Rite Masons. All KSA members are welcome to join us for our monthly business meeting.

The Knights of St. Andrew are a service group, representing the 29th Degree of the Scottish Rite. Our members volunteer at Lodge events and rentals, and money raised by the Chapter is donated back to the Valley. Over the last 20 years, the KSA has donated more than $75,000 back to the Valley, which has purchased a new projector for the theater, repairs for the historic grandfather clock, brass lamps in the Grand Cross Conference Room, a laptop, quartz countertops in the front lobby and restrooms, and so much more.

KSA members are recognizable with their signature glengarries, and membership is a great way to meet the members, and have the members meet you! To learn more about KSA, visit their webpage here.

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12:00 PM12:00

Albert Pike Lodge #333

  • Scottish Rite Masonic Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Masons in good standing are welcome to join Albert Pike Lodge #333 on the third Wednesday of each month for our regular business meeting. Social time and lunch begins at 11:00 a.m., followed by a business meeting which promptly ends at 1:00 p.m.

Albert Pike (1809 - 1891) was an American author, poet, orator, editor, lawyer, and jurist, who served as Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite (SMJ), and devoted his time to developing and revising the rituals of the Scottish Rite fraternity and growing the Order in the 19th century.

Albert Pike Lodge #333 was chartered in 2014, as Omaha’s only daytime Lodge, with the idea of appealing to Omaha’s downtown business community.

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5:00 PM17:00

Scottish Rite Lodge meeting: UNO Scholarship Presentations

"The Scottish Rite has given my dreams wings, and I will forever be grateful for that." -Tiffany, a Scottish Rite scholarship recipient.

"The Scottish Rite has given my dreams wings, and I will forever be grateful for that." -Tiffany, a Scottish Rite scholarship recipient.

Meet the Scottish Rite UNO Scholarship recipients at the April Scottish Rite Lodge dinner in September. For more than 25 years, the Scottish Rite has awarded 13 $2,000 merit and need-based scholarships to UNO students, giving almost $700,000 in that time to tomorrow's leaders. Congratulate our 2025-2026 recipients.

Social hour begins at 5:00, with dinner at about 6:00. The dinner is open to all Scottish Rite Masons, their ladies, and guests.

April Scottish Rite Lodge Dinner
from $5.50


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5:30 PM17:30

George W. Lininger Lodge #268

All Masons are invited to George W. Lininger Lodge #268, meeting the first Tuesday of each month at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center. The business meeting begins at 5:30 p.m.

George W. Lininger was born on December 14, 1834. He served as Grand Master of Masons in Nebraska 1877. Learn more about one of Nebraska’s most prominent Masons and earliest millionaires here.

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9:00 AM09:00
KSA, May

Knights of St. Andrew

The Omaha Valley Knights of St. Andrew meet on the Second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the Scottish Rite Masons. All KSA members are welcome to join us for our monthly business meeting.

The Knights of St. Andrew are a service group, representing the 29th Degree of the Scottish Rite. Our members volunteer at Lodge events and rentals, and money raised by the Chapter is donated back to the Valley. Over the last 20 years, the KSA has donated more than $75,000 back to the Valley, which has purchased a new projector for the theater, repairs for the historic grandfather clock, brass lamps in the Grand Cross Conference Room, a laptop, quartz countertops in the front lobby and restrooms, and so much more.

KSA members are recognizable with their signature glengarries, and membership is a great way to meet the members, and have the members meet you! To learn more about KSA, visit their webpage here.

View Event →
12:00 PM12:00

Albert Pike Lodge #333

All Masons in good standing are welcome to join Albert Pike Lodge #333 on the third Wednesday of each month for our regular business meeting. Social time and lunch begins at 11:00 a.m., followed by a business meeting which promptly ends at 1:00 p.m.

Albert Pike (1809 - 1891) was an American author, poet, orator, editor, lawyer, and jurist, who served as Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite (SMJ), and devoted his time to developing and revising the rituals of the Scottish Rite fraternity and growing the Order in the 19th century.

Albert Pike Lodge #333 was chartered in 2014, as Omaha’s only daytime Lodge, with the idea of appealing to Omaha’s downtown business community.

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4:30 PM16:30

Scottish Rite Spring Outing

Click on the above image to download a PDF of the flier

Enjoy fun and fellowship at the Scottish Rite Spring Outing at the Papillion Gun Club (16712 S 87th Street, Papillion, NE). Enjoy trap shooting, steak, baked potatoes, salads, and sides. Smoke cigars and have a beer with Scottish Rite Masons. This is a great evening to bring a prospective Mason and introduce him to members.

Click here for a map to the Papillion Gun Club.

Gates open at 4:30. Dinner will be served 5:30. This is a men-only stag event.


Scottish Rite Spring/Fall Stag Outing
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to May 31

Scottish Rite Spring 2025 Reunion

  • Scottish Rite Masonic Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Master Masons are welcome to join the Scottish Rite in the Spring, 2025 Reunion, honoring Lee Terry, 33° for many years service to the fraternity and to the community.

The Scottish Rite offers additional opportunities for leadership, brotherhood, activities and events, as well as further light in Masonry.

Click HERE to see the last Reunion schedule (current Reunion schedule to be posted soon).

Petitions are available at the Scottish Rite office or from any Scottish Rite officer. The cost to petition the Scottish Rite is $250, which includes current year's dues, the Master Craftsman program, a DVD about the RiteCare Speech and Language Clinics, a subscription to the Scottish Rite Journal, and a unique brotherhood with 250,000 Scottish Rite Masons in the United States. Click here for petition information or call the Scottish Rite office at (402) 342-1300.

Remember when a Reunion was really a Reunion? Click here to read an article about Reunions. . .

Remember when a Reunion was really a Reunion? Click here to read an article about Reunions. . .

The Reunion begins on Thursday, May 29, 2025 at 5:30 for registration, social time, pizza, followed by the 4°, 8°, and 9°-10°.

We resume on Friday, May 30, 2025 at 5:30 for dinner, followed by the 14°, and 15°.

On Saturday, May 31, 2025 the class convenes at 6:45 a.m. for breakfast served by the Knights of St. Andrew, and continues with degrees until social time, which begins around 5 p.m. A cocktail reception will follow, open to our members, our new Brethren, and our ladies.

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5:30 PM17:30

George W. Lininger Lodge #268

All Masons are invited to George W. Lininger Lodge #268, meeting the first Tuesday of each month at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center. The business meeting begins at 5:30 p.m.

George W. Lininger was born on December 14, 1834. He served as Grand Master of Masons in Nebraska 1877. Learn more about one of Nebraska’s most prominent Masons and earliest millionaires here.

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9:00 AM09:00

Knights of St. Andrew

The Omaha Valley Knights of St. Andrew meet on the Second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the Scottish Rite Masons. All KSA members are welcome to join us for our monthly business meeting.

The Knights of St. Andrew are a service group, representing the 29th Degree of the Scottish Rite. Our members volunteer at Lodge events and rentals, and money raised by the Chapter is donated back to the Valley. Over the last 20 years, the KSA has donated more than $75,000 back to the Valley, which has purchased a new projector for the theater, repairs for the historic grandfather clock, brass lamps in the Grand Cross Conference Room, a laptop, quartz countertops in the front lobby and restrooms, and so much more.

KSA members are recognizable with their signature glengarries, and membership is a great way to meet the members, and have the members meet you! To learn more about KSA, visit their webpage here.

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12:00 PM12:00

Albert Pike Lodge #333

All Masons in good standing are welcome to join Albert Pike Lodge #333 on the third Wednesday of each month for our regular business meeting. Social time and lunch begins at 11:00 a.m., followed by a business meeting which promptly ends at 1:00 p.m.

Albert Pike (1809 - 1891) was an American author, poet, orator, editor, lawyer, and jurist, who served as Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite (SMJ), and devoted his time to developing and revising the rituals of the Scottish Rite fraternity and growing the Order in the 19th century.

Albert Pike Lodge #333 was chartered in 2014, as Omaha’s only daytime Lodge, with the idea of appealing to Omaha’s downtown business community.

View Event →
5:30 PM17:30

George W. Lininger Lodge #268

All Masons are invited to George W. Lininger Lodge #268, meeting the first Tuesday of each month at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center. The business meeting begins at 5:30 p.m.

George W. Lininger was born on December 14, 1834. He served as Grand Master of Masons in Nebraska 1877. Learn more about one of Nebraska’s most prominent Masons and earliest millionaires here.

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9:00 AM09:00

Knights of St. Andrew

The Omaha Valley Knights of St. Andrew meet on the Second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the Scottish Rite Masons. All KSA members are welcome to join us for our monthly business meeting.

The Knights of St. Andrew are a service group, representing the 29th Degree of the Scottish Rite. Our members volunteer at Lodge events and rentals, and money raised by the Chapter is donated back to the Valley. Over the last 20 years, the KSA has donated more than $75,000 back to the Valley, which has purchased a new projector for the theater, repairs for the historic grandfather clock, brass lamps in the Grand Cross Conference Room, a laptop, quartz countertops in the front lobby and restrooms, and so much more.

KSA members are recognizable with their signature glengarries, and membership is a great way to meet the members, and have the members meet you! To learn more about KSA, visit their webpage here.

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11:00 AM11:00

Walt Keast Scottish Rite Golf Benefit

Walt Keast is hosting a golf benefit, supporting the annual upkeep for the Scottish Rite Masonic Center.

Enjoy a day of golf at beautiful Oakland Riverside Golf Course in Oakland, Iowa. 18 holes are $100/person or $400/foursome. Guests will enjoy lunch on the golf course and a steak dinner afterward.

To register:

  • Simply register online below

  • Click on the flier to download, and send a check payable to the Scottish Rite to 202 S. 20th Street, Omaha, NE 68102 for your registration, or

  • Call the office at (402) 342-1300 for your credit card payment. .

Golf carts are available to rent for $40, but reservations are needed. Call Walt Keast at (712) 579-1019 or e-mail for any questions.

Please note: a 3% convenience fee is added for online credit card purchases. to avoid the credit card fee, we respectfully ask that payments be made by check adn sent to the scottish rite office.

Walt Keast Golf Benefit
from $41.50
View Event →
12:00 PM12:00

Albert Pike Lodge #333

All Masons in good standing are welcome to join Albert Pike Lodge #333 on the third Wednesday of each month for our regular business meeting. Social time and lunch begins at 11:00 a.m., followed by a business meeting which promptly ends at 1:00 p.m.

Albert Pike (1809 - 1891) was an American author, poet, orator, editor, lawyer, and jurist, who served as Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite (SMJ), and devoted his time to developing and revising the rituals of the Scottish Rite fraternity and growing the Order in the 19th century.

Albert Pike Lodge #333 was chartered in 2014, as Omaha’s only daytime Lodge, with the idea of appealing to Omaha’s downtown business community.

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5:30 PM17:30

George W. Lininger Lodge #268

All Masons are invited to George W. Lininger Lodge #268, meeting the first Tuesday of each month at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center. The business meeting begins at 5:30 p.m.

George W. Lininger was born on December 14, 1834. He served as Grand Master of Masons in Nebraska 1877. Learn more about one of Nebraska’s most prominent Masons and earliest millionaires here.

Christopher Sebastian Nigro is one of the most prominent Past Masters of George W. Lininger Lodge #268. His birthday is on August 25th Read more about the life and the legend here.

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9:00 AM09:00

Knights of St. Andrew

The Omaha Valley Knights of St. Andrew meet on the Second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the Scottish Rite Masons. All KSA members are welcome to join us for our monthly business meeting.

The Knights of St. Andrew are a service group, representing the 29th Degree of the Scottish Rite. Our members volunteer at Lodge events and rentals, and money raised by the Chapter is donated back to the Valley. Over the last 20 years, the KSA has donated more than $75,000 back to the Valley, which has purchased a new projector for the theater, repairs for the historic grandfather clock, brass lamps in the Grand Cross Conference Room, a laptop, quartz countertops in the front lobby and restrooms, and so much more.

KSA members are recognizable with their signature glengarries, and membership is a great way to meet the members, and have the members meet you! To learn more about KSA, visit their webpage here.

View Event →
12:00 PM12:00

Albert Pike Lodge #333

  • Scottish Rite Masonic Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Masons in good standing are welcome to join Albert Pike Lodge #333 on the third Wednesday of each month for our regular business meeting. Social time and lunch begins at 11:00 a.m., followed by a business meeting which promptly ends at 1:00 p.m.

Albert Pike (1809 - 1891) was an American author, poet, orator, editor, lawyer, and jurist, who served as Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite (SMJ), and devoted his time to developing and revising the rituals of the Scottish Rite fraternity and growing the Order in the 19th century.

Albert Pike Lodge #333 was chartered in 2014, as Omaha’s only daytime Lodge, with the idea of appealing to Omaha’s downtown business community.

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5:30 PM17:30

George W. Lininger Lodge #268

  • Scottish Rite Masonic Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Masons are invited to George W. Lininger Lodge #268, meeting the first Tuesday of each month at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center. The business meeting begins at 5:30 p.m.

George W. Lininger was born on December 14, 1834. He served as Grand Master of Masons in Nebraska 1877. Learn more about one of Nebraska’s most prominent Masons and earliest millionaires here.

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9:00 AM09:00

Knights of St. Andrew

  • Scottish Rite Masonic Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Omaha Valley Knights of St. Andrew meet on the Second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the Scottish Rite Masons. All KSA members are welcome to join us for our monthly business meeting.

The Knights of St. Andrew are a service group, representing the 29th Degree of the Scottish Rite. Our members volunteer at Lodge events and rentals, and money raised by the Chapter is donated back to the Valley. Over the last 20 years, the KSA has donated more than $75,000 back to the Valley, which has purchased a new projector for the theater, repairs for the historic grandfather clock, brass lamps in the Grand Cross Conference Room, a laptop, quartz countertops in the front lobby and restrooms, and so much more.

KSA members are recognizable with their signature glengarries, and membership is a great way to meet the members, and have the members meet you! To learn more about KSA, visit their webpage here.

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12:00 PM12:00

Albert Pike Lodge #333

  • Scottish Rite Masonic Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Masons in good standing are welcome to join Albert Pike Lodge #333 on the third Wednesday of each month for our regular business meeting. Social time and lunch begins at 11:00 a.m., followed by a business meeting which promptly ends at 1:00 p.m.

Albert Pike (1809 - 1891) was an American author, poet, orator, editor, lawyer, and jurist, who served as Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite (SMJ), and devoted his time to developing and revising the rituals of the Scottish Rite fraternity and growing the Order in the 19th century.

Albert Pike Lodge #333 was chartered in 2014, as Omaha’s only daytime Lodge, with the idea of appealing to Omaha’s downtown business community.

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4:30 PM16:30

Scottish Rite Fall Outing

Click on PDF to download a flier for the Fall Outing

Enjoy fun and fellowship at the Scottish Rite Fall Outing at the Papillion Gun Club (16712 S 87th Street, Papillion, NE). Enjoy trap shooting, freshly grilled pork chops, baked potatoes, salads, and sides. Smoke cigars and have a beer with Scottish Rite Masons. This is a great evening to bring a prospective Mason and introduce him to members.

Gates open at 4:30. Dinner will be served 5:30. This is a men-only stag event.

Click here for a map to the Papillion Gun Club.


Scottish Rite Spring/Fall Stag Outing
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5:30 PM17:30

George W. Lininger Lodge #268

All Masons are invited to George W. Lininger Lodge #268, meeting the first Tuesday of each month at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center. The business meeting begins at 5:30 p.m.

George W. Lininger was born on December 14, 1834. He served as Grand Master of Masons in Nebraska 1877. Learn more about one of Nebraska’s most prominent Masons and earliest millionaires here.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Knights of St. Andrew

  • Scottish Rite Masonic Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Omaha Valley Knights of St. Andrew meet on the Second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the Scottish Rite Masons. All KSA members are welcome to join us for our monthly business meeting.

The Knights of St. Andrew are a service group, representing the 29th Degree of the Scottish Rite. Our members volunteer at Lodge events and rentals, and money raised by the Chapter is donated back to the Valley. Over the last 20 years, the KSA has donated more than $75,000 back to the Valley, which has purchased a new projector for the theater, repairs for the historic grandfather clock, brass lamps in the Grand Cross Conference Room, a laptop, quartz countertops in the front lobby and restrooms, and so much more.

KSA members are recognizable with their signature glengarries, and membership is a great way to meet the members, and have the members meet you! To learn more about KSA, visit their webpage here.

View Event →
12:00 PM12:00

Albert Pike Lodge #333

  • Scottish Rite Masonic Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Masons in good standing are welcome to join Albert Pike Lodge #333 on the third Wednesday of each month for our regular business meeting. Social time and lunch begins at 11:00 a.m., followed by a business meeting which promptly ends at 1:00 p.m.

Albert Pike (1809 - 1891) was an American author, poet, orator, editor, lawyer, and jurist, who served as Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite (SMJ), and devoted his time to developing and revising the rituals of the Scottish Rite fraternity and growing the Order in the 19th century.

Albert Pike Lodge #333 was chartered in 2014, as Omaha’s only daytime Lodge, with the idea of appealing to Omaha’s downtown business community.

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5:00 PM17:00

Friends of Scottish Rite Dinner and Auction

The Friends of Scottish Rite Dinner and Auction raises funds to support the RiteCare Speech and Language Clinics through the Scottish Rite Foundation of Omaha. RiteCare Clinics provide evaluations and therapy to any child in Nebraska with a speech or language disorder, providing them the necessary services to ensure the child a bright future as a lifelong learner. These services are offered without regard to a family's ability to pay.

Please plan to join the Scottish Rite on Friday, October 24, 2025 at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center for the Friends of Scottish Rite Dinner and Auction. Enjoy cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, a gourmet dinner, and bid on extraordinary silent and live auctions.

We will also honor an individual as the 2025 Friend of Scottish Rite award recipient. This person has made a difference in the lives of young people with intellectual disabilities in our community.

If you can not attend, please consider a donation toward the silent or live auction. We welcome donations of goods, services, gift certificates, the use of a time share, art, or any item which we may include in the auction. Your donations are tax-deductible and help support our RiteCare children and philanthropies. Please e-mail Micah Evans at if you have items you would like to donate in support of the Friends of Scottish Rite dinner.  You can also donate below.

Friends of Scottish Rite Dinner and Auction
from $154.50
Donate to Friends of Scottish Rite Dinner and Auction
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5:30 PM17:30

George W. Lininger Lodge #268

All Masons are invited to George W. Lininger Lodge #268, meeting the first Tuesday of each month at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center. The business meeting begins at 5:30 p.m.

George W. Lininger was born on December 14, 1834. He served as Grand Master of Masons in Nebraska 1877. Learn more about one of Nebraska’s most prominent Masons and earliest millionaires here.

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9:00 AM09:00

Knights of St. Andrew

  • Scottish Rite Masonic Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Omaha Valley Knights of St. Andrew meet on the Second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the Scottish Rite Masons. All KSA members are welcome to join us for our monthly business meeting.

The Knights of St. Andrew are a service group, representing the 29th Degree of the Scottish Rite. Our members volunteer at Lodge events and rentals, and money raised by the Chapter is donated back to the Valley. Over the last 20 years, the KSA has donated more than $75,000 back to the Valley, which has purchased a new projector for the theater, repairs for the historic grandfather clock, brass lamps in the Grand Cross Conference Room, a laptop, quartz countertops in the front lobby and restrooms, and so much more.

KSA members are recognizable with their signature glengarries, and membership is a great way to meet the members, and have the members meet you! To learn more about KSA, visit their webpage here.

View Event →
to Nov 15

Scottish Rite Fall 2025 Reunion

  • Scottish Rite Masonic Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Master Masons are welcome to join the Scottish Rite in the Fall Reunion. The Scottish Rite offers additional opportunities for leadership, brotherhood, activities and events, as well as further light in Masonry.

Click here for the Reunion schedule.

Petitions are available at the Scottish Rite office or from any Scottish Rite officer. The cost to petition the Scottish Rite is $250, which includes 2026 dues, a Scottish Rite cap, a subscription to the Scottish Rite Journal, and a unique brotherhood with 290,000 Scottish Rite Masons in the United States. Click here for petition information or call the Scottish Rite office at (402) 342-1300.

Scottish Rite banquet, c. 1960s

Scottish Rite banquet, c. 1960s

Remember when a Reunion was really a Reunion? Click here to read an article about Reunions.

The Reunion begins on Thursday, November 13, 2024 at 5:30 for registration, social time, pizza, and several degrees.

We resume on Friday, Friday, November 14, 2024 at 5:30 for dinner, followed by several degrees.

On Saturday, November 15, 2024, the class convenes at 6:45 a.m. for breakfast served by the Knights of St. Andrew, and continues with degrees until about 5 pm, with a cocktail reception afterward for members and their ladies.


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12:00 PM12:00

Albert Pike Lodge #333

  • Scottish Rite Masonic Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Masons in good standing are welcome to join Albert Pike Lodge #333 on the third Wednesday of each month for our regular business meeting. Social time and lunch begins at 11:00 a.m., followed by a business meeting which promptly ends at 1:00 p.m.

Albert Pike (1809 - 1891) was an American author, poet, orator, editor, lawyer, and jurist, who served as Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite (SMJ), and devoted his time to developing and revising the rituals of the Scottish Rite fraternity and growing the Order in the 19th century.

Albert Pike Lodge #333 was chartered in 2014, as Omaha’s only daytime Lodge, with the idea of appealing to Omaha’s downtown business community.

View Event →
5:30 PM17:30

George W. Lininger Lodge #268

George W. Lininger was born on December 14, 1834.

All Masons are invited to George W. Lininger Lodge #268, meeting the first Tuesday of each month at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center. The business meeting begins at 5:30 p.m.

George W. Lininger was born on December 14, 1834. He served as Grand Master of Masons in Nebraska 1877. Learn more about one of Nebraska’s most prominent Masons and earliest millionaires here.

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9:00 AM09:00

Knights of St. Andrew

  • Scottish Rite Masonic Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Omaha Valley Knights of St. Andrew meet on the Second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the Scottish Rite Masons. All KSA members are welcome to join us for our monthly business meeting.

The Knights of St. Andrew are a service group, representing the 29th Degree of the Scottish Rite. Our members volunteer at Lodge events and rentals, and money raised by the Chapter is donated back to the Valley. Over the last 20 years, the KSA has donated more than $75,000 back to the Valley, which has purchased a new projector for the theater, repairs for the historic grandfather clock, brass lamps in the Grand Cross Conference Room, a laptop, quartz countertops in the front lobby and restrooms, and so much more.

KSA members are recognizable with their signature glengarries, and membership is a great way to meet the members, and have the members meet you! To learn more about KSA, visit their webpage here.

View Event →
12:00 PM12:00

Albert Pike Lodge #333

  • Scottish Rite Masonic Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Masons in good standing are welcome to join Albert Pike Lodge #333 on the third Wednesday of each month for our regular business meeting. Social time and lunch begins at 11:00 a.m., followed by a business meeting which promptly ends at 1:00 p.m.

Albert Pike (1809 - 1891) was an American author, poet, orator, editor, lawyer, and jurist, who served as Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite (SMJ), and devoted his time to developing and revising the rituals of the Scottish Rite fraternity and growing the Order in the 19th century.

Albert Pike Lodge #333 was chartered in 2014, as Omaha’s only daytime Lodge, with the idea of appealing to Omaha’s downtown business community.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Knights of St. Andrew

  • Scottish Rite Masonic Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Omaha Valley Knights of St. Andrew meet on the Second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the Scottish Rite Masons. All KSA members are welcome to join us for our monthly business meeting.

The Knights of St. Andrew are a service group, representing the 29th Degree of the Scottish Rite. Our members volunteer at Lodge events and rentals, and money raised by the Chapter is donated back to the Valley. Over the last 20 years, the KSA has donated more than $75,000 back to the Valley, which has purchased a new projector for the theater, repairs for the historic grandfather clock, brass lamps in the Grand Cross Conference Room, a laptop, quartz countertops in the front lobby and restrooms, and so much more.

KSA members are recognizable with their signature glengarries, and membership is a great way to meet the members, and have the members meet you! To learn more about KSA, visit their webpage here.

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12:00 PM12:00

Albert Pike Lodge #333

  • Scottish Rite Masonic Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Masons in good standing are welcome to join Albert Pike Lodge #333 on the third Wednesday of each month for our regular business meeting. Social time and lunch begins at 11:00 a.m., followed by a business meeting which promptly ends at 1:00 p.m.

Albert Pike (1809 - 1891) was an American author, poet, orator, editor, lawyer, and jurist, who served as Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite (SMJ), and devoted his time to developing and revising the rituals of the Scottish Rite fraternity and growing the Order in the 19th century.

Albert Pike Lodge #333 was chartered in 2014, as Omaha’s only daytime Lodge, with the idea of appealing to Omaha’s downtown business community.

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5:00 PM17:00

Scottish Rite Lodge Celebration of Remembrance & Renewal

Join us for the Celebration of Remembrance and Renewal on Monday, March 18, 2024 , as we extinguish the lights in memory of the Brethren we've lost this past year and relight them in anticipation of the year to come.

Our Masonic widows will be our special guests at the April dinner.

The Culinary Masters are planning an excellent dinner. Dinner is $15/person, and babysitting is $5. Call the office at (402) 342-1300 for reservations or make reservations online.

March Scottish Rite Lodge Dinner
from $5.50
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9:00 AM09:00

Knights of St. Andrew

The Omaha Valley Knights of St. Andrew meet on the Second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the Scottish Rite Masons. All KSA members are welcome to join us for our monthly business meeting.

The Knights of St. Andrew are a service group, representing the 29th Degree of the Scottish Rite. Our members volunteer at Lodge events and rentals, and money raised by the Chapter is donated back to the Valley. Over the last 20 years, the KSA has donated more than $75,000 back to the Valley, which has purchased a new projector for the theater, repairs for the historic grandfather clock, brass lamps in the Grand Cross Conference Room, a laptop, quartz countertops in the front lobby and restrooms, and so much more.

KSA members are recognizable with their signature glengarries, and membership is a great way to meet the members, and have the members meet you! To learn more about KSA, visit their webpage here.

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5:30 PM17:30

George W. Lininger Lodge #268

All Masons are invited to George W. Lininger Lodge #268, meeting the first Tuesday of each month at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center. The business meeting begins at 5:30 p.m.

George W. Lininger was born on December 14, 1834. He served as Grand Master of Masons in Nebraska 1877. Learn more about one of Nebraska’s most prominent Masons and earliest millionaires here.

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8:30 AM08:30

Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday Warmup Party

Call the Scottish Rite office at (402) 342-1300 for reservation availability.

Join us for a Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday Warmup party on Friday, February 28th at 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, featuring a Cajun cuisine and live entertainment by the Prairie Gators, Omaha’s Cajun Connection.

Reservations are $35/person, $50/couple, or $15 to just come and hear live music.

Please RSVP by Friday, February 21, 2025 so our chefs can prepare enough food for everyone!

Call the Scottish Rite office at (402) 342-1300 for reservation availability.

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