About Our Membership 

The Scottish Rite 

The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, commonly known as simply the Scottish Rite, is one of several Rites of the worldwide fraternity known as Freemasonry.

A Rite is a series of progressive degrees that are conferred by various Masonic organizations or bodies, each of which operates under the control of its own central authority. In the Scottish Rite the central authority is called the Supreme Council.


Continuing the journey

why be a scottish rite mason?

Click above to download PDF of the Scottish Rite membership flier.

Click above to download PDF of the Scottish Rite membership flier.

As a Master Mason in your Blue Lodge, you have achieved the highest "rank" of Freemasonry. A 32° Scottish Rite Mason does not imply any additional rank or privilege; rather, it means further exposure to the ethical and philosophical teachings of Masonry.

Additionally, being a Scottish Rite Mason offers:

  • Belonging - As a Master Mason, you will develop a bond with fellow members, many of whom will be your lifelong friends. The Scottish Rite expands the network of friendship and brotherhood from all around Nebraska, the United States, and the world.

  • Networking - Long before bits and bytes, Facebook and Twitter, men networked. We're told that networking is the key to success. We may seem like your grandfather's idea of networking, but our members include men from all walks of life who are connected with the Omaha community as well as the rest of the nation! Whatever you do in life, you will meet men who have "been there and done that" in your field, and who can offer the wisdom of their experience.

  • Developing Leadership Skills - As Scottish Rite Masons, you have the opportunity to take on leadership roles as an officer, committee member, or volunteer which help in your personal and professional life. You also help other Brethren realize their own leadership potential.

  • Philanthropy - Scottish Rite Masons support the RiteCare Speech and Language Clinics throughout Nebraska, offering evaluations and therapy to children without regard to a family's ability to pay. Scottish Rite Masons fund need and merit-based scholarships to tomorrow's leaders at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and endow a professorship in speech-language therapy.

  • All on your time - Sure we want you to be active, but nothing should come between your family, faith, and vocation. We will always welcome you in the Scottish Rite, whether you want to attend events regularly, or those that fit your schedule, time, and interest.


How to Apply

PDF Downloads

To be a Scottish Rite Mason. If you are not yet a Mason at a local Lodge, call the Scottish Rite office and we can talk to you about what Freemasonry is (and isn't) and how to petition. In Nebraska, you must:

  • Be 18 years of age

  • Believe in a Supreme Being

  • Be able to read and write English

  • Have lived in the state for 6 months

In addition, two members must recommend you for membership. If you do not know any members, call the Scottish Rite at (402) 342-1300 and we can arrange for you to meet members and answer questions you may have.

Once you are a Master Mason, you can petition to join the Scottish Rite. Becoming a 32° Mason, Master of the Royal Secret, allows a Mason all the rights and privileges within the Valley.  You are entitled to join the membership at monthly meetings, perform degree work, or be involved in other activities in the Valley. The petition to join the Scottish Rite costs $250 and includes dues for the current year, a banquet after the Scottish Rite Reunion, the Master Craftsman program, a DVD about the RiteCare Speech and Language program, A Bridge to Light and the Scottish Rite Monitor and Guide, as well as a brotherhood with 290,000 Scottish Rite Masons in the United States, and the satisfaction of supporting the philanthropies of the Scottish Rite. 

Once your membership is voted on by the membership, the General Secretary of the Scottish Rite will contact you about the upcoming Reunion where the degrees are conferred.

Scottish Rite Petition
Here is a downloadable petition for you to give a candidate. Candidates may call the Scottish Rite office to arrange monthly payments for the petition, if they desire.


Knight of Saint
Andrew Petition

Here is a downloadable Knight of St. Andrew (KSA) petition. The KSA is a service organization for 32° Scottish Rite Masons, giving members leadership and volunteer opportunities


Please note that you MUST be a Freemason in good standing AND submit a paper petition before joining the Omaha Scottish Rite.

Scottish Rite Petition Fees