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KSA members with their 2002 original Charter from the Valley of Wichita, Kansas.

Welcome to the Knights of St. Andrew for the Valley of Omaha, Nebraska. Since 2002, the Knights of St. Andrew have served the multiple purposes of:

  • Engaging 32° "Black hat" Scottish Rite Masons in the Valley, and

  • Providing service and leadership opportunities for members

Only 32° "Black Hat" Scottish Rite Masons may be Active Members, and can hold office and vote, and members must be in good standing as a Scottish Rite Mason with their current year dues paid. 32° KCCH and 33° Red and White Hat members are considered Emeritus Members, and can volunteer and attend meetings, but can not vote or hold office.

The Knights of St. Andrew meet on the second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center, and meetings are open to all Knights and all 32° Scottish Rite Masons who wish to become Knights of St. Andrew.

Daniel Alati, 32°
Venerable Master (2025)

Our 2025 Officers

Daniel Alati, 32°
Venerable Master

Terry J. Nelson, 32°
Senior Warden

Donald (Wally) Farley, 32°
Junior Warden

David S. Greenberg, 32°

S. Hal Cottrell, 32°

Carl J. Diamond, 32°
Senior Deacon

Blake A. Nelson, 32°
Junior Deacon

Scott D. Christensen, 32°

Engaging Our Members

Members can volunteer many ways, including our KSA Highway clean up program, bartending at events, serving breakfast at Reunions, helping host weddings and rentals as well as Scottish Rite events, joining the Twenty-Ninth Degree team, and many other projects around the building.

The Knights of St. Andrew receives $100 from the Scottish Rite Board for each rental "gig" Knights greet at. Additionally, the KSA offers ice cream sundaes after Lodge dinners for a freewill donation. They also sell raffle tickets during Lodge dinners for a $50 gas card. The funds the Knights raise is donated back to the Scottish Rite for un-budgeted expenses, including two defibrillators, annual CPR training, donated brass lamps for the 33° Board room, repairs to the 1914 grandfather clock, the donation of a new freezer, an ice machine, LED lights in the theater, and much more. To date, over $55,000 has been donated back to the Scottish Rite thanks to the Knights of St. Andrew!

Dennis P. Samuelson Service Award

Dennis Samuelson Service Award Recipients:

James S. Beard, 2011
John G. Chester, 2011
# Thomas J. Begley, 2012
Donald R. Kavalec, 2013
William B. Kimme, 2013
Christopher S. Nigro, 2013
Zachery A. Sinsheimer, 2013
ǂ David A. Thompson, Sr., 2014
ǂ J. Robert Corsaro, 2015
Carl F. Simmons, 2016
Robert M. Pelletier, 2016
Alan V. Boulter, 2017
T.J. Brumfield, 2018
James A. Flowers, 2018
Kyle A. A. Beckner, 2019
Gary F. Williams, 2019
Daniel Alati, 2020
Mo S. Krshna, 2021
Donald (Wally) Farley, 2022
Matt Ellis, 2023
Carl Diamond, 2023
Hal Huff, 2024
Terry Nelson, 2024

# Deceased
ǂ Suspended

Denny Samuelson, 32° KCCH was Venerable Master of the Knights of St. Andrew in 2005. Sadly, we lost Brother Dennis Samuelson in 2013. The Dennis P. Samuelson Service Award was created to honor him and his love for the Knights of St. Andrew. The most prestigious award given by the KSA recognizes a Knight who has been a Scottish Rite Mason for less than five years and has distinguished himself through his service to the Valley. Only Active 32° Scottish Rite Masons are eligible for this award.

The award is presented every January at the KSA Membership Appreciation Dinner.


Our Dennis P. Samuelson Service Award Recipients

How to join

Click above to download a KSA petition

Click above to download a KSA petition

If this is for you, joining the Knights of St. Andrew is the best way to meet members of your Scottish Rite Valley, have members get to know you, and help the Valley be one of the most active and engaged in the entire Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite. The fee to petition is $50, and includes the KSA medallion for glengarry, tartan lapel swatch to wear during meetings or events, a KSA name badge, and the Membership Handbook, with our history, By-Laws and Constitution, and Opening and Closing ritual for meetings.

Click to download a petition or fill out the petition online. It will get e-mailed to the KSA Officers, and will be presented for a vote at the next Knights of St. Andrew meeting.

ONLINE PETITION to join the knights of St. Andrew

Your initiation fee of $50.00 must accompany this application. Your initiation fee, which may be paid online below, includes the first year of membership. Annual dues thereafter are $20.00/year or $200.00 for Life Membership. Emeritus Members (KCCH and 33° Scottish Rite Masons) dues are $5.00/year or $50.00 for Life Membership.

Pay Petition or Dues Online

Dues letters are sent out in the Fall, and dues are due by December 31st of each year. Dues for Active Members (32° "Black Hat" Scottish Rite Masons) are $20 per year or $200 for a Life Membership. For Emeritus Members (32° KCCH or 33° Red or White Hat Scottish Rite Masons), dues are $5/year or $50 for a life membership. You can pay your dues online, or simply mail a check to the Scottish Rite office.

Instructions for the online petition:

To submit an online petition, simply click on the $50.00 petition option below and click on “Add to Cart.” This will take you to the online petition as part of the process. It is as simple as that! Someone from the Knights of St. Andrew will be in touch regarding your petition and the Knighting ceremony.

Knights of St. Andrew Petition
Knights of St. Andrew Dues