Scottish Rite Spring Reunion and Kentucky Derby Party — Scottish Rite Omaha

Scottish Rite Spring Reunion and Kentucky Derby Party

The Valley of Omaha Scottish Rite welcomed three new candidates as 32° Scottish Rite Masons at the Spring 2016 Reunion on May 6, May 7, and May 8. Brandon Breiby of Florence Lodge #281, Justin Salado of Solomon Lodge #10, and John Miyoshi of Wahoo Lodge #59 received the Scottish Rite degrees over the course of Thursday and Friday evening degree work and all-day Saturday work.

The Reunion began with orientation over sandwiches on Monday night, followed by the 4°, 8°, and 9-10° on Thursday evening. On Friday, the Reunion continued with the 14° and 15°. On Saturday, the day began with the Knights of St. Andrew breakfast at 7 a.m., followed by the 18°, 21°, 25°, 29°, 30°, 31°, and 32°.

The highlight of the Spring Reunion was the Kentucky Derby party, hosted by the Scottish Rite Ladies Group and chaired by Brenda Coleman. Guests enjoyed mint juleps, crab cake sandwiches, turkey sandwiches, bacon-wrapped potato wedges, brie, and pecan pie and cupcakes. Ladies brought their best Kentucky Derby hats, and guests had the opportunity to vote on the best hat. Sherry Sederstrom won the best hat, with Jessica Weaver bringing second place, and Preston Coleman coming in a close third with his dapper seersucker cap and suit. Guests also received tickets and could place them in envelopes representing each horse. Once the winner was announced, tickets would be drawn for win, place, and show. Tami Sklenar won the first prize for the Kentucky Derby party. Members enjoyed the races on the big screen, which was outside on the Scottish Rite patio under a large tent rented for the occasion. Kyle Beckner, 32° and Carl Simmons, 32° tended bar. The Kentucky Derby party was the perfect capstone for a great Spring Reunion, which was also the first Reunion ran by John Maxell, 33°, General Secretary for the Valley of Omaha Scottish Rite. 

For more information about how Master Masons can join the Scottish Rite, visit here or call the Scottish Rite at (402) 342-1300.
