Luck of the Irish at March Lodge Dinner

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, the Valley of Omaha welcomed Dowd’s Irish Dance Academy Dancers on March 18th at the Lodge Dinner and meetings. The young ladies, who included Andrew and Christina Muska’s daughter Lena, performed several traditional sets and hornpipe dances. The dancers ranged from age 6 to 16, and the dancers had been taking Irish dance classes for 3 years or longer!

Afterward, 75 Scottish Rite Masons and their ladies and guests enjoyed an excellent dinner of roasted pork and vegetables, prepared by the Culinary Masters. Afterward, Venerable Master called up Dan Wellendorf, 33°, who presented a 32° Scottish Rite patent to his son Jordan who joined in the all-state Reunion in Hastings last October.

At the Lodge business meeting afterward, Scottish Rite Masons voted 5 candidates to join us in the Spring Reunion in May. Scottish Rite Almoner Dick Corwine, 33°, spoke about the good the Almoner Fund does for those in need, and in the spirit of the evening, Patrick Watson declared that anyone not wearing green would throw an extra bit o’ green to the Almoner’s Fund.