Omaha KSA Knights Three New Members — Scottish Rite Omaha

Omaha KSA Knights Three New Members

Valley of Omaha Knights of St. Andrew

Valley of Omaha Knights of St. Andrew

The Knights of St. Andrew was formed in the Valley of Omaha in 2001 to engage 32° "Black Hat" Scottish Rite Masons. Members get involved in the Valley, greeting at rental gigs, bartending, bussing tables or cleaning after events, or serving at Scotch tastings or events. For each rental event, the Knights of St. Andrew are paid $100, and the KSA gives back to the Valley. Over the last ten years, the KSA has donated back over $35,000, including repairs to the theater curtains, lamps in the 33° Conference Room, defibrillators and CPR training, benches in the courtyard, laptop and projector, and so much more. The Knights of St. Andrew has served as a proving ground for Scottish Rite leadership, with officers serving as Line Officers and members getting involved on committees, degree teams, and projects.

Other projects the Omaha KSA has undertaken in recent years include hosting the 3rd Biennial Gathering of the KSA in May, 2016, hosting the 29° in the Valley of Topeka in October, 2016, chartering the Valley of Lincoln in 2006, and Omaha members put on the 29° at our Reunions twice each year.

Omaha Knights staging the 29° at the Fall, 2016 Reunion

Omaha Knights staging the 29° at the Fall, 2016 Reunion

Knights are highly visible in the Omaha Valley, wearing a distinctive glengarry and the MacCrae Modern tartan, which was chosen in honor of Jim Wolfe, 33°, who was largely responsible for bringing the KSA to Omaha in 2001. As one of Valley of Omaha Scottish Rite's elite group of volunteers, new members are knighted in a ceremony. On Saturday, February 11, 2017, Armel MacDonald, 2009-2010 Venerable Master, knighted three brethren in a short ceremony. Armel recounted the historical legend of the French Knights Templar, repressed by the King of France in October, 1307, who found refuge under King Robert the Bruce of Scotland and helped him defeat the English at the Battle of Bannockburn. Afterward, Armel knighted T.J. Brumfield, Carl Simmons, and Chuck Davis.

The Venerable Master this year for the KSA is Wade Ridout, 32°. Wade is active as a line officer in the Council of Kadosh and in the theater, running lights and sound during Reunions or events. He has served aspast Flight Commander with the Royal Order of the Duck. Wade is also Past Master of COBIA Lodge in Council Bluffs, Iowa and is active with the Provost at Tangier Shrine and serves as Outer Guard with the Tangier Shrine Divan.

The KSA welcomes our newest members, and invites all Knights to get involved, help host gigs, and participate in events. For more information about joining the Knights of St. Andrew, e-mail John Maxell, General Secretary for the Omaha Valley at or call (402) 342-1300.
