Scottish Rite Christmas Vacation

The annual Christmas holiday banquet is one of the best meetings of the Scottish Rite year. 150 Scottish Rite Masons, their ladies and guests came for a rollicking evening on Monday, December 20th.

The evening was hosted by Mike Stuhr, 32° KCCH, Venerable Master of the Lodge of Perfection and his 2021 officers. Chris Carter, 32° KCCH served as emcee for the evening. The theme of the evening was the 1989 movie National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Chris stepped onto the podium dressed as Cousin Eddie, to great laughter.

The Christmas Vacation movie was referenced throughout the evening, with quotes from the movie, costume changes, and a few awards based on the movie. Mike Stuhr presented M.W. Ron Stites, 33° the “Clark Griswold Award,” for Ron’s service as Grand Master of Masons in Nebraska in 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mike noted that Ron “exemplified the best qualities of Clark Griswold. . . [for] his ability to be hit time and time again with the unexpected, and he just keeps moving forward undaunted.” The officers presented T.J. Brumfield, 32° with the Squirrel award, as “one of the smartest men we know, and like the squirrel in the Griswold tree, does not give up easily,” thanking him for thinking for thinking outside the box and for his tenacity.

During the course of the evening, the Lodge of Perfection officers presented a check for $1,200 to the Skoda-Thurber Foundation, which provides financial assistance to children who have lost one or both parents, so they may remain in youth athletics.

Gary Unger, 33° announced that two scholarships had been endowed through the House of the Temple, honoring Frank Kroupa, 33° and Charles V. Sederstrom, Jr., 33°, one of which will be directed toward a Nebraskan learning skilled trades.

The line officers presented ladies with Scottish cashmere scarves as a gift from the Scottish Rite line officers. Santa Claus joined us, as well, sitting for photos with families throughout the evening.

Members enjoyed a great evening of laughter, fellowship and fun, and the annual Christmas banquet is definitely not an evening to miss!